Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chapter 3: First Date

It was turning out to be a warm and windy night, perfect for walking about the city. Peter took his arm off Levi's shoulders as they turned ther corner at the end of the block away from Marcus's sight. The street's weren't too crowded yet. Most people were still at home having dinner. The streetlamps lit up as the sun was setting.

"So sorry about that Levi," Peter broke the silence. "We can go our own way's now. I'm really sorry for using you as an escape plan." He laughed.

"It's allright. I'm glad to have helped. Peter, was it? Who was that?" Levi asked innocently.

"Wow! You really aren't from around here. That was Marcus, man-whore extraordinaire. He's danced basically at all the clubs around here. He's been dancing at that bar we just met in for months now. Guys go crazy for him. He makes about as many tips as me."

"You guys are both dancer?" Levi looked quizically. The idea of male dancers and tips were foreign to him. In all honesty, Levi was an uptown boy, born and raised. He'd never been downtown. The kind of places he'd been to in his life didn't have any dancers, male or female, at all.

"No, I'm not a dancer. Thank you for thinking so. The only six-pack I have is a six pack of beer at home in the fridge. I used to bartend at that bar." Peter was happy Levi was making conversation as they continued walking. After what had happened that day it was nice to talk to someone outside the gay community circle.

Levi stopped walking. "Is your offer still standing, or was it just a ruse to get away from Marcus?"

Peter stopped in his tracks at the question a couple of feet in front of Levi. As far as he had thought of this, which wasn't very much, he just wanted to get away from Marcus, not go on a date with this stranger, as attractive as he was. "You actually want to go out with me?" He turned around. "Even after that thing with Marcus?" He was shocked. Had he been in Levi's shoes, he would have punched him when he put his arm on his shoulders. "You don't think I'm some kind of freak?" The day had made him feel undesirable, even Georgie-boy had turned against him.

"Yes, I would. I don't really have anything to do or anywhere to go. I don't even know this part of town. I've been wandering around aimlessly for a few hours. I do find you quite interesting. I've never met anyone like you." Levi mused and smiled. It was a brilliant smile, like a child's.

Peter was taken aback by this. It was shaping up to be an interesting night. Levi walked up to Peter. They faced each other in silence. They looked into each others eyes, stading just inches from each other. Neither spoke a word. People passed them by without them noticing. The world suddenly stopped. Peter felt awkward and wanted to kiss Levi at that moment. A cab passed by honking its horn breaking the moment.

"So where are you going to take me? Or would you prefer to stand here? I'd understand if you didn't actually want to go somewhere with me, "Levi said killing the awkward moment between them.

"I'm sorry. I kind of lost my train of thought. Had a long day."

"Well, I'm getting hungry."

"You know, I know exactly where to take you then. It's the perfect little hole in the wall. Lovely place. Not too many people, good food, great coffee, cute servers. We can talk there, " Peter replied as he took a step back and tripped on a bottle. He stumbled backwards and fell on the sidewalk. As Levi giggled and gave him a hand to stand him up again, Peter could feel his stomach twisting in knots. Who was this stranger making him feel like a teenager. They continued to walk the streets as they slowly filled with the night crowd.

"Where are you from?" asked Levi. "You don't look like you're from here."

"What do you mean? Nobody looks like they are from here. I'm just like everyone else in this city. True, I wasn't born here, but I've been here long enough to call it home."

"Then where were you born?"

"I was born in Puerto Rico. After college, I started to travel. I started bartending while in college and never stopped. I can make a decent living as a bartender anywhere. Went through Europe first. Never really felt at home there, I did love it though. I love going there any chacne I get. Then I came over stateside. Made my way across from the west coast and ended up here about four years ago. It's the longest I've stayed anywhere."

"That is very interesting. You've been somewhat of a nomad all your adult life. How come you never stayed anywhere for long?"

"Have you ever felt an itch? One that you can't scratch? I did. Whenever I felt it, I'd pack up and move. When things start to feel mundane I feel like I'm drowning. I'd usually stay somewhere at the most for four months.Here I feel comfortable. Haven't gotten bored yet. There's something about this city. It's always changing yet always stays the same. I met Georgie-boy too, the owner of that bar. He's been somewhat of a father figure to me."

"Did your father die?" Levi asked sheepishly, afraid to broach a sensitive subject.

"No! Not at all. My father is alive and well in Puerto Rico. Haven't buried a family member since my granfather passed a few years ago. My grandmother has pulled through amazingly. So this is the place. Best coffee on the block. You look like you've never had a real cup of coffee. Starbucks is not the end all of coffee."

They arrived at a little cafe, Bonbon. It was just as Peter described it, a little hole in the wall. You'd completely miss it if you weren't looking for it. Peter walked through the door first and was greeted with a smile by a young man.

"Hello Peter! What a surprise to see you tonight. Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I should just be serving the first drinks of the night, but Georgie-boy fired me. I'll be fine. Tonight instead, I've got a date. This is Levi."

Levi smiled nervously at Peter's introduction.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Levi. Haven't seen you around before. Are you new in town?"

Levi decided to just go along with it and nodded yes. He'd been able to talk opendly with Peter, but now he felt mute. He sat down at a small table in the corner.

"We'll have two capuccino's for now Jimmy," Peter said to the server and sat across from Levi. "Hope I didn't scare you with the date comment."

"It's allright. Just wasn't expecting to hear it at all."

"I was only kidding. I like to joke around with him. Tell me about yourself. All we've talked about is me. Apart from your name all I know is that you're from uptown. What are you doing slumming it down here alone, wandering around like a lost little dog?"

Levi was suddenly very quiet. His nerves were taking over. He didn't know what to say. He had never been in this kind of situation. He said the first thing that popped into his head, "I'm not gay!"

"Oh!" Peter was surprised by this outburst. Although he could sense Levi's nervousness. "It's ok. I'm sorry if the date thing made you uncomfortable. It wasn't my intention. I don't see this as a date. It's just to guys talking and getting coffee."

"No. I'm sorry about that! I didn't mean to sound judgemental. I don't even know if you are gay. I've never been in a situation like this; you know, out with another guy. And not just that. This is all very new for me. I've always lived my life in a planned and organized manner. My parents always steered me in a certain direction. Which is why I've never been downtown."

"My parents are like that. I stopped following their plans a long time ago. Ever since I became a theater major in college. My mom was just happy I was in college. Don't start thinking I stopped talking with my parents though. Our relationship is in perfect shape. There was a rocky time when I decided to be a bartender and travel the world, but we've made peace with it. Let's keep talking about you."

Peter had calmed Levi down with his words. Jimmy brought over their coffees.

"Thanks Jimmy, I think I'll just have a ham and cheese on whole wheat. How about you, Levi?

"I'll have the same. I suddenly don't feel as hungry as I thought."

"We'll split it Jimmy since your sandwiches are pretty big." As Jimmy walked away witht he order, Peter looked back at Levi. "What do you do for a living?"

"I'm actually a concert pianist. I was somewhat of a prodigy as a child. When I played the piano was when my parents payed the most attention to me. I was raised, like most children in my neighborhood, by a nanny. Whenever I played the piano, my parents always made a huge deal about it. I love it. There's nothing quite like being on stage and playing a beautiful piece by Mozart. Then as you are done having everyone applaud you."

"My musical talents aren't very far reaching, unless you want to count playing Guitar Hero, Tell me more." Peter was happy to hear Levi chat about himself. It was the perfect distraction from his own troubles with Marcus. Their sandwich arrived and Peter split it in half. He continued listening to Levi speak.

Levi had graduated at the top of his class from one of those Ivy League universities Peter could only dream of ever attending. Levi's eyes shone as he spoke. It was like tonight he was able to liberate everything from within himself. Talking with Peter had a soothing effect on him. "I actually had a concert tonight."

Peter almost choked on his sandwich. "What! Why are you here then? I thought you said you had nothing to do tonight."

"Something came over me this afternoon. I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe. I was in my apartment warming up for tonight. My phone rang, and it was my fiance."

This time, Peter did choke. Jimmy ran over and gave Peter the Heimlich Maneuver. "Are you allright, Peter?" asked Jimmy as the bite of sandwich flew out from his mouth. "Was it the sandwich? Did I make it badly?" Jimmy was shaken. No one had ever choked in his restaurant.

"I'm ok, Jimmy. Thank you. It wasn't the food. Forgot to chew for a second." Peter wiped his mouth with his napkin and sat back down.

Levi had been more scared than Jimmy. He hadn't moved or talked. He knew what caused Peter to choke was the announcement that he was engaged. He began to recall how he became engaged to Christina Jones.